About Me

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Life is a dynamic, one day never the same as the last, each moment a new adventure. That's explains my new philosophy. For years, I have relished in the fact that I was the mother to a wonderful daughter with no regrets and complete joy and satisfaction. I have been a wife, a daughter, a sister, an aunt, and a friend - roles that I have loved and always will. However, I have also been a worker, working for the dollar. No longer! Since the summer of 2013, I have been on a journey to rediscover "Lynnette" and find her passions and where she fits in the world. From here forward in my life, I will be embracing new challenges, finding a career that I'm passionate about, and cherishing each day as if it is my last. This is a blog about my journey. This is a blog about transformation and self-discovery showing that it's never too late to hit the reset button. Please join me on the path... share the journey with me. In addition to my new blogs, I have included some blogs that I'm written previously on a former site I had. I call it my "Best of..." blogs. Feedback is always encouraged and welcome. Enjoy!

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Spending the Night with the Dead: Visitation Dreams

Image result for psychic dreams
Have you ever had a dream that just seems WAY TOO REAL?  Maybe it wasn't a dream.  Maybe it was a late-night visitor (NOT to be confused with the modern booty-call type of late night visitor - not judging...)

Since household telephones became as commonplace as the bellybutton, my mother, Audrey, had a morning ritual.  She would get up, clean the house and at exactly 9:30, she would take her “coffee break” and start phoning her friends and family to chit-chat.  I have no idea how they found so much to talk about since they were all stay at home moms who didn’t really go far – balloon parenting hadn’t come to be yet. 
NOT my Uncle Earl!!
Not even a close resemblance!


Every now and then, the morning conversations would start with Mom saying:

“Well, I spent the night with the dead again last night.” 

This meant that mom had dreamed about her loved ones who had passed on.  Her dreams were usually as weird as the ones you and I have.  One of her dreams was something like Lawrence being up on the roof and Earl was playing the banjo in the outhouse.  We all shared some laughs over some of her dreams.  

But there were some other dreams that she would speak about more seriously.  Sometimes, she would talk about the details of these dreams and her eyes would well up with tears.  I knew these dreams were much different than the ones with her brothers on roofs and in outhouses with banjos. She would speak about these very detailed dreams for years to come.

I know now, and I guess I knew then, that Mom didn’t believe these were just dreams.  Her solemn demeanor convinced me that she knew that there was something more to this.  I think some people who have the same experiences would prefer to believe these are "only dreams" as it is easier than accepting  the dead entering our minds while we're asleep. (Insert Freddy Kreuger theme).

You're thinking:  "we’ve all had dreams that seem so realistic that you think you are right there in the moment!!"  Like the other night, when I dreamed of being at a mall in Sri Lanka where I met some members of Duran Duran (my undying fantasy).  I was buying melons, and I was quite upset that nobody was around to take the picture of me getting a kiss from Simon and John.  I think Freddy Mercury was there buying a t-shirt too.  It seemed so real!!  The colors... the smells... the touch!!! Then I woke up - all disappointed.  (Who wouldn’t? – said every 1980’s teen girl).

But the dreams to which I am referring, are more than just realistic.  Often called “Visitation Dreams”, they are more vivid than any dream you have ever had.  Unlike regular dreams, you will usually remember the details for years, if not your entire life.  The loved one who “visits” speaks very clearly without any dreamlike confusion.  For example, where in some dreams, a loved one may be talking about knitting a scarf for a helicopter, which makes no sense, in a Visitation Dream, the loved one will make absolute sense without ambiguity.  Although conversations can occur in these dreams, it is most common that you only receive a simple message.  Having said that, the visitor may not speak verbally, they may just stand there, or give you a message telepathically.  Regardless, they will always be happy, peaceful, and healthy.  And when you wake up, you are not confused about what kind of dream it was.  You KNOW what just happened.  If you have to guess whether it was a visit or not, it wasn’t.  These dreams are VERY distinct.  It’s like when we were young and asked what love was and we were told: “it can’t be explained, but when you fall in love with someone, you will just KNOW!”  

This is similar to what I experienced but MUCH whiter.
My first visitation dream happened in my teens when I was very confused and lost.  My father died at 64 from heart failure, when I was a vulnerable 15 years old.  He’d had a stroke ten years previously which left him as a paraplegic and wheelchair bound.  In my “dream", he appeared to be in his 30’s, tall, healthy, and walking.  He smiled at me and took me by the hand.  We were not anywhere… it’s almost like we were just in a limbo state of white.  The only words I remember him saying were: “I am always here with you.  You will be ok.  You will never be alone.”  That’s it.  The rest of what seemed like an eternity of holding his hand was silent until he said “I have to go now.  I love you.  I will always be with you.”  And I woke up.  When I woke up it was so different than any other dream I’ve had.  Peace.  I felt peace.  Then I cried.  I knew this was unexplainable and nobody would believe me.  I never told anyone for many, many years. 

I have dreamed of my father a kijillion times since he has passed, but none of them parallel the “visit” vis-à-vis the intensity of realism or clarity of detail. 

Many people are going to read this and call “bogus” on the whole concept.  After all, it was, by common definition, just a dream.  People will argue that it was my then-current emotional state which triggered the subconscious “superhighway” to elicit psychological imagery and provide the solace that I subconsciously knew was necessary to reduce my emotional pain.  Trust me, I’ve heard all the psycho-babble as to why certain paranormal phenomena occur.   By no means can I disprove any argument you have refuting the existence of “Dream Visitations”, nor would I attempt to out of pure respect for your opinions.  However, contrarily there is no validity to claims against such theory either. 

I believe in Dream Visitations.  I’ve experienced them.  And now, instead of “going retro” by getting on a telephone to chit-chat with friends and family about spending the night with the dead, I will do the 21st century equivalent and post this blog.

Sweet dreams.

Good Night Sweet Dreams

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Marissa Mayer's Maternity Matter - An alliteration against women's rights?

Marissa Mayer - CEO of Yahoo
So, Marissa Mayer, CEO of Yahoo! has publicly announced that she will take two weeks off work after her twins are born.  The internet is afire with posts, tweets, and blogs about how she is undermining maternity leave for other women.  

I say “Bullpucky!!”  Maternity leave is a choice and a privilege.  You go girl!!

Rachel Miller Sobel from the “Whine and Cheese(its)” claims that Mayer is passive-aggressively giving little head-taps to other women in her organization by providing maternity benefits to them but not accepting the time off for herself.  Quoting Miller, it’s like Mayer is saying “No, no Sally in accounting…you take all the time you need. You be with your baby. I’m just gonna pop mine out, put on some lip gloss and head into the office…like a boss. But you?? No, no…you don’t have to.” 

Caroline Fairchild, the Economy Editor at LinkedIn , says that Mayer should not have publicly announced her plans because it sets a new unrealistic standard for women to aspire if they want to be successful C-suite members.  Fairchild claims that Mayer is normalizing 2-week maternity leaves by being so passive about it.  After all, if a 40 year old busy CEO of Yahoo! only needs 2 weeks off to have twins, what’s wrong with the rest of the women?  Why do they need longer?

Oh my gosh!  How trite this seems.  Let’s break this down to reality.

Marissa Mayer is not like the majority of women.  I know, some people want to play the leveling game – bring her down to our level so we are as great as her!  But she’s NOT like most of us.  She is a very successful woman.  Let’s translate that into what many people consider success – she’s damn rich!  Do you really think she is going to be staying at home, changing poopy diapers, walking the floors all night?  Doubtful… she can afford nannies and caretakers for this.  She has the luxury of recovering from the births much quicker than if she had to be up every three hours in the night, and spend all day feeding, washing clothes, and chasing after her other toddler.  So, once she’s recovered, why not go back to work? 

Let’s compare this to mothers who do not get even two weeks off for maternity leave.

I know.  I know.  
You assumed that everyone had that “right”. 

In Canada, maternity leave is provided through Employment Insurance and one must meet certain criteria to get maternity leave benefits.  My former coworker did not qualify for maternity benefits when she had her child.  Rather, she used her accumulated holiday hours when the delivery time came and the baby was a week old when she returned to work full time. 

Then there’s me.  I was a full time student getting my first degree and was working part time in a nightclub when I had my baby.  My little 9 lb baby girl was born during my Christmas break from school.  She was 4 days old when I went back to University full time.  As for work, I was fortunate to be able to take 3 weekends off so she was almost a month old when I went back to work. 

No, I’m not trying to claim martyrdom.  I’m saying that I was a mother who did what I had to do to feed and care for my baby.

Maternity leave is not a right – it is a privilege and a choice.  If women are entitled to it and don’t want to take it, then let them go back to work.  So, to Marissa Mayer I say – do whatever works for you and your family.  

And congratulations on the upcoming birth of your babies, the event that seems to be ignored in all this hullabaloo!

Friday, August 7, 2015

I'm Thrivin' Baby!!

Update August 18:  After nearly 30 years of having shakes and tremors in my hands, they are almost gone completely.  I wasn't sure if it was due to Thrive, and I am not a scientist so can't ever be sure BUT, I did not not take my Thrive this morning to see what would happen and by noon, I was trembling again.  Again... not a scientific study, only my personal experience.  WOW!!

Here is some information about the product - Le-Vel Thrive Webpage

Like the Facebook page for more testimonials:  HERE!

Many people have asked me what Thrive is all about.  Here is my story. 

Me about a month before 
starting Thrive!

Thrive is what I call my life saver.  I was living life like a zombie.  I just had no energy – barely enough to keep me functioning during a regular day. By one in the afternoon, I was DONE! I couldn’t stay awake, I couldn’t focus my thoughts anymore, and I didn't even have energy to unload the dishwasher.  Doctors just kept giving me more iron pills and increased my antidepressants. Dave and Phoenix were complaining that I wasn’t even part of the family anymore as I was always lethargic or asleep.  Heck, I couldn’t stay awake in the car going for a 20 minute drive.  I was literally wasting my life.  Most of my day was spent lying in bed when I wasn’t in school.  And I didn’t just sleep, I totally crashed!!!  I reached my breaking point when my friend told me that she had cancer and I thought to myself "There has to be more to life than me being a shell - I have to get better! I can’t keep doing this!"
Me, about a month into Thriving having
 lost 10 lbs at that point.
(Almost an hour glass happening there!)
Also going to the John Mellencamp Concert!!

Well, I saw my friend Carma posting stuff about how her life had changed with Thrive. Her story was similar to mine. Being a natural skeptic with everything, I was hesitant.  Finally, on that day that I learned about my friend, I thought - What do I have to lose? I have no life like this!! So, I texted Carma and told her that I’d be willing to give it a shot.

Well, it’s been over a month since I’ve been thriving, and my gosh!!! What a difference! I am not only awake, but I’m ALERT! I’m thinking more clearly now. I’m awake ALL day and when I go to bed at night, I fall right to sleep and have a wonderfully rested sleep. It’s incredible. And I lost over 10lbs.
I don’t crave junk food at all and I used to eat a whole bag of Tostidos every couple days.  Oddly, and unusual for me, I only crave fresh foods… salads, fruits, vegetables.  It’s wonderful!!  A couple weeks ago, Dave, Phoenix and I went to Edmonton for the weekend and ... this is incredible... I stayed awake the whole trip there and back!! I've never been able to do that.

Also, my mind is so clear.  I almost thought I was ADD for a while as I just couldn’t concentrate.  I even went to the doctor about it.  But now since I’ve been on Thrive, I've started my creative writing again, started outdoor photography, and go walking and hiking on a regular basis.  It’s like the colors have exploded and my life is brighter. 

Thrive has given me my life back.  It has changed my life!!!  I am happy again!!!
Today - I think I need new jeans!

Friday, July 24, 2015

What does she see in me?

Have you ever thought… what does she see in me?  In the situation that I’m referencing, it’s not romantic.  Sadly, in this case, “what does she see in me” is a reflection on my poor self-image, and how that low esteem prevented me from protecting my friend.

I worked at a downtown office when I met her… she was a bombshell blonde executive with what appeared to me to be the perfect body, perfect smile, and terrific personality.  We seemed to hit it off right away and had it not been for her fabulous attributes, I would have thought we were friends.  However, she was a Gucci brand and I was a Walmart special.  What could she possibly see in me to want to be my friend?  I’m fat.  I’m homely.  And I recently had a baby and my hair is thinning.  She wears what appear to be high designer clothes and I’m struggling to make ends meet to buy at thrift shops.  She drives a beautiful Toyota and I drive a used Ford.  Since I had no attribute that anyone would see worthy enough to want to build a friendship on, she must just be nice in the office as it’s the polite thing to do. 

Well, time went on and we shared a few laughs and even went for lunch a couple times.  Then the day came when I let my guard down and decided that maybe… just maybe… she was sincere and actually liked me as a friend.  I remember that day.  We both worked in the lower level of the building and her office was right beside my reception desk.  She had brought a Siamese fighting fish into her office and called me in to see it.  She also had a bamboo plant that she took great pride in because it didn’t need sunshine or much water so she wouldn’t kill it.  We laughed.  
At that moment, I accepted that she had a warm heart and could see beyond my nothingness and was a friend.  My little girl, who was four at the time, would come into the office every so often and would look for Christy, who she truly believed was Barbie.  I’d say, “No, Christy.”  She’s say “No Mom… Barbie.”  So I left the little girl to believe her idol had come to life and that Barbie was as beautiful of a human being on the inside as plastic Mattel Barbie portrayed on the outside.

Christy eventually changed jobs and we didn’t work together anymore.  However, we would still get together and visit.  Over time, Christy and I grew closer and started having girlfriend chats about “boys” over lunch.  We shared our secrets, fears and insecurities.  I was shocked that the person who I thought lived the perfect life, actually had some insecurities.  It’s like I realized that her blood ran red, just like mine.  I vowed that if there was ever a person that I could trust on this earth, it was Christy!  A true friend.

Well the day came when Christy, met her Prince Charming.  His name was Joe.  WOW… he was a good looking boy.  If she was Barbie, he certainly was her Ken.  She was so happy.  They were the perfect couple.  He was truly a prince and treated her like the queen she was.   I was so happy for my dear friend.  Then the day came when she told me she was getting married.  I was so happy for her!  And on that special day, I sat in the third row of the First Baptist Church with great pride and joy for her!   After the service, I gave her a hug on the steps of the church and told Joe “Please take care of my friend, I love her too.”

I hadn’t heard from Christy after the wedding, thinking of course she is on a honeymoon… a perfect honeymoon.  Then after they returned, I didn’t hear from her but I thought: “she’s got step sons now, so she’s busy with them.”  After a few weeks, I ran into Christy at the Douglas Park racetrack.  My daughter and her stepsons were both cross-country running for their respective schools.  Christy, Joe, me and my husband Dave sat in the bleachers and chatted.   Christy had mentioned that she was thinking about quitting her job and being a stay at home mom.  WOW!  That’s so not like her, I thought, but marriage something changes things.  How lucky, the person with the perfect life, now gets to be a stay at home mom with her stepsons, something I had always wanted to do for my daughter.  But I was happy for Christy!  After all, she was my friend!

I tried calling Christy a few times after that meeting but calls were not returned.  I justified it by saying that she was busy being an awesome stepmom! 
Kids Sports Scoring for Poway Economic Development

Then the moment of “truth” happened.  Again, we meet at Douglas Park as our kids are at another cross country meet.  I see her and wave over at her and she barely acknowledged me.  I went to sit on the bleachers with her but it was obvious that Joe and her wanted to be alone.  She didn’t even smile at me.  She just looked down, a forced grin now and again, but that’s all. 

So, the truth comes out: 
  • I am an embarrassment to her.  
  • She does not want to be seen in public with the likes of me.  
  • It’s because I am <fill in the blank here… some suggestions are poor, not fashionable, certainly not pretty, fat… any derogatory term would suffice>. 

So, back to what does she see in me?       …Nothing good.

She doesn’t want my friendship.  She doesn’t like me anymore.  Whatever she was using me for (and I still can’t possibly think of what to put here as it’s insane thinking) but whatever she was using me for, she’s done with.  What does she see in me?  Nothing worthy.  I leave knowing I will never see her again.  I just don’t fit in with her perfect lifestyle.

Fast forward a few years.  I’ve grown a bit.  I see her name cross my “You may know” list on Facebook.  I send a message “Remember me?” with a few more formal niceties.  Then she adds me as a friend and all is happy again.  I see she is no longer with Joe… what the heck?  
Image result for caribbean
And she lives and works in Carribean!!  Oh my gosh!  WOW!  Good for her.  I was so happy for her!  I had matured and much of my insecurity had diminished so all was literally forgotten.  I had my friend back!  I had vowed to get to Carribean to see her but each time my plans either fell apart or my money was needed elsewhere.  One way or another, I would find my friend again.  I missed her.

Fast forward a couple years later.  She’s moved back to Canada and has a baby!  Wow!  How perfect is that?  She lives in another city but close enough that I know we will see each other again.  Then one day I get a text:  “I’ll be in Regina on Tuesday and really want to see you.  Let’s go for supper!”  My heart skipped a beat!  This isn’t a one-way longing.  She wants to see ME too!  We meet at Earls and give each other a long overdue hug!  I had my friend back!  Just as we are about to catch up, we see a lady Christy knew sitting at a table all alone.  Neither Christy or I would enjoy ourselves if we didn’t invite her over.  After all, nobody should have to eat alone.  Needless to say, Christy and I did not get the nitty-gritty questions asked or answered but we had a wonderful time anyway!

One more fast forward to last month. 

I am chatting with Christy online when I can tell that she needs a friend.  More than that, she needs a hug!  The very next day, I get up bright and early… which is a HUGE sacrifice for me, and I drive two hours to give her a hug and have lunch.  While at lunch, I ask that question I’ve been dying to know:  What happened to Joe?  
Perfect Joe… Perfect Joe was actually wife-beater Joe. 

Yes, shortly after they said “I do”… well, everyone knows how this paragraph ends....

On the long drive back home, God opened the book of memories in my brain, and what I saw disgusted me.

Rewind to that day at Douglas Park.  Of course she wasn’t smiling.  Of course she faked a grin.  Of course Joe did not want them to sit with us.  It’s all the signs of abuse.

And I allowed my own insecurities to blind me. 

Image result for positive self image words
So what did she see in me?  A hell of a lot more than I saw in myself, that’s for sure! 

How I hated myself for this!  I let her down! 

Many years have passed since that day.  Our lives took different turns and they are not perfect in anyway, but they are fulfilling with the laughter and hugs of our children… and fulfilling when we hug each other and just talk about “boys” again. True friends can be apart for years, but they pick up where they left off like it was yesterday.  

I felt intense guilt for not seeing the signs, but moreso, for being selfish.  I was young, foolish, insecure and … human.  I forgive myself.  I know she forgives me.  And the best pay-it-forward I can do is to have others read this story for the time when they ask themselves “what does she see in me?

Friday, July 10, 2015

Loneliness - Feeding the Demons

A friend shared this with me and gave me permission to post this.  I found it interesting.  Maybe you will too.

https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8367/8446083573_b17a07d253_b.jA frien
Loneliness floods the gates and leaves me alone with no escape except to drown in my own mind.

I speak and the walls, although not deaf, are mute.  The dark spirits encompass me, with their long ecru fingernails prying at my skin trying to enter the blackness of my mind – their winner’s circle.

As I reach out, my voice is silenced by the sounds of the ramblings of others far more important than myself.  Those who believe my openness is an automatic door to “listen to me”, “my kid did this”, and “you’ll never believe what <insert spouse’s name here> did”. 

How is this ok?  How do I justify this? 

It takes two to be lonely, one that needs to speak and one that needs to be heard.  Currently, if I am the listener, then one of the two is no longer alone and she is being heard.  I take her loneliness away.  With their fuel to survival subsiding, her demons flee… she feels freer, she feels loved, she feels … loved.   She feels like someone cares about her.  

Whereas me… well, I tell myself that I am stronger than she was.  I can handle it.  My demons feeding from my loneliness keep scratching and clawing.  The nerves to my skin are numb.  I no longer feel.  Their white eyes, white piercing pupil-less eyes, the only light within their midnight black silky shadows, their eyes… hypnotically drill into my soul. 

It’s a faceoff.  An eternal face off…

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Different Types of Communcators (AKA: Getting My GUTS back!!)

From the "Best of..." Files

 (I wrote this in March last year, 3 months before the start of my transformation.  I have not published it until now.  It is about tragedy, fear, cowardice and strength.  When you get to the end, you will understand why I say that.)

There are myriads of people who can perform on life's stage. Among them are

* those who have nothing to say and say nothing
* those who have something to say but can't say it
* those who have something to say and yell it from the rooftops and
* those who have the ability to yell from the rooftops yet allow themselves to be unheard.

Those who have nothing to say and say nothing:

Let's start with the first group - have nothing to say and say nothing. One would think this group is quiet, stone-faced, and monk-like. They possibly wander thoughtlessly through meadows or into the middle of a busy street. However the folks that I have met from this group are just the opposite. They are often loud, obnoxious, and arrogant. They talk and talk and talk, most often about themselves. They announce their accomplishments with great pride, accomplishments which include chugging 12 Coors light while standing on a table holding a pickle in their left hand. Other topics of conversation include "Reasons I'm right and you're wrong", "Damn, I'm good ... and not a bad physique either," and my all time favorite "Hey!! Watch me!! Watch! I'm about to do something really, really stupid!!" This is a primal group that usually evolves into a high level of communication.
Those who have something to say but can't say it:

There is another group which are too uncomfortable to communicate ideas so they manipulate others to spread the message for them. These people are often recognized by their avoidance of the limelight however are heard whispering thought provoking tidbits here and there. They may want something but are afraid to ask for fear of rejection. They may also have an idea they want to spread but are afraid of being ridiculed so they get someone else to take responsibility for it.  They are "idea farmers". The will drop the seed of thought into the mind of someone who can bring the idea to life. Watering the seed with frequent reminders and prompted conversations regarding the aforesaid idea, the farmer will add sunshine by means of regular bits of new information about the seed. A simplified example is found around the breakfast table;  Let's say the farmer wants to go to the zoo but may be too afraid of rejection to ask.  On Monday, the farmer might say "I like zoos." Tuesday, she might water the idea with a topic about the african lion, which by the way, can be found in a zoo. Wednesday, the sunshine radiates and the topic of Calgary hosting a stampede in July comes up, reminding the target-person that there is a zoo in Calgary. Thursday, the target-person comes up with this wonderful idea:  Let's take the kids to Calgary for the weekend and see the zoo.

Those who have something to say and yell it from the rooftops:

Some people have ideas which, if shared, would make the world a different place... either for the better or worse. Some folks share these thoughts by standing on a stage using big words to justify their over-education on the topic of which they are speaking. Other communicators share their message using the fine arts of the world. These ideas are often expressed in forms of music, drama, sculpture, paint and dance. Philosophers and politicians fit into this group - John Kennedy, Pierre Trudeau, Nostradamus, Plato, Aristotle, Daryl Hannah, and Charlton Heston. Of no less importance, are the spokespeople for various foundations, the Ministers of the local churches, the people in favour of a new stadium, people not in favour of a new stadium, and those which we call "motivational speakers." These folks have something in common - although they may have been chastised and persecuted for their ideas, they were strong enough to continue because they believe in their cause.

Those who have the ability to yell from the rooftops yet allow themselves to be unheard:

The final group is the most tragic of all. They have the power to change things - either for good or for bad. Like Pinky and the Brain, they possibly could take over the world, but by the time the episode ends, nothing has changed. These people have absolutely no problem standing in front of a crowd to speak, but feel they have nothing to say. They are unrecognizable, like chameleons against the walls. They draw pictures but do not show them to others. They write poetry for no-one to read. Some memorize Macbeth soliloquies and perform scenes with passion to the audience in the mirror. They dance like no one is watching because they are alone in their room. And the steering wheel is the recipient of a rock & roll serenade.

When they listen to others they tend to deeply absorb the information. For days after, they may question "why" to almost every statement and sometimes find the answer. Sadly, the answers are never shared. The thoughts provoked are only for the one mind. If only these thoughts could be shared with a friend, a stranger, a group or the world ... maybe.... hmmm... could it make a difference? Maybe like dropping a pebble full of ideas in the ocean, the wave would carry forever - or until another idea wave crashed it down sending the ideas on totally different tangents.

Why you ask, would someone imprison these thoughts, these ideas, these seeds of fruition, either good or bad? One unnamed theorist, not saying that she is typing this right now or not, but this theorist claims that these people feel that their ideas are too bizarre to share with anyone. Being laughed at and ridiculed for some "thinking outside the box" concepts negatively reinforces repeated behavior and strengthens the chains of the once opened mind. Ridicule and humiliation... no more to be said. This theorist often question where Mahatma Ghandi or Martin Luther King Jr or Rosa Parks got their strength and faith because it seems inhuman - a synonym for impossible.

Ironic that I write this because I can relate to this group. This is my forte. I have been a spokesperson before for different groups and organizations. I have spoken on a stage in front of hundreds of people. I have been on television and radio sharing a message, one of which was not my own. With confidence and a false sense of grandeur, I can stare into the eyes of others and tell them what I'm being paid to say - and they sometimes even believe me. 

But - and the world is full of big "buts" (not the one you sit on) - But, I am unable to share my own ideas.

No.... allow me to change that... I have been unwilling to share my own ideas due to the acts of some stupid ignorant people who attempted to shut me up.

... until now maybe. I have many blogs that I have written that go unread. Will I have the strength tonight to publish them? If these words get shared, meaning they have been read obviously by you (the reader), it means that I have won. I am no longer "Dancing In the Dark" (yes, a Springsteen reference).  

I just pray I have the guts to continue and press "publish".

God Bless Everyone!

Michael Jackson: Death of a Man; Immortality of a Legend.

From "The Best of..." Files


(This was originally written June 28, 2009.  Michael Jackson was a huge part of my growing up.  When he died, I felt like a part of my childhood and innocence died too.  I know it sounds weird, but I can't change how I felt.  I wrote this 3 days after his death.)

It was grade 9 and as I was leaving one of the classrooms at Sheldon Williams Collegiate, I first heard Michael Jackson’s “Beat It”. 
“I can’t believe they are playing Michael Jackson,” one of my friends said derogatorily.
“This is Michael Jackson? The same one from the Jackson 5?  This isn’t bad,” I replied.
“Not bad?!  Disco died!” I was curtly told. 
Well, when Thriller hit the charts and Michael Jackson’s videos hit the airwaves, the derogatory comments became very superlative.  Michael Jackson was emerging into who would soon to be referred to as the “Prince of Pop.”
Yes, like every girl thereafter, I was totally “in love” with MJ.  (Keep in mind, I was 14 and “in love” had a different meaning.)  I was going to marry him one day … along with Simon Le Bon and some other hunks of the day.  But you know, in my heart, there was something different about Michael.  He was hot - but did not seem conceited.  His falsetto would get my hormones raging and to watch a video was like being entranced by a wizard.  Hypnotic.  Almost Spiritual in a weird way.

Well, that was my experience of Michael while he was on top, when everyone loved him.  Then, the rumors came.  The tabloids attracted everyday folks to these stories and convinced people to believe it.  After all “a source close to the singer” and “his good friend” said blah blah blah… Gee  it must be true.  After all, these sources and good friends wouldn't lie about him for money - would they? 
No, his friends wouldn’t.
People turned against Michael like running from the plague.  After all, the man had the “elephant man’s bones”.  He dated his chimpanzee, Bubbles.  He’s trying to have plastic surgery to look like Diana Ross, Liz Taylor, or yes, even Bubbles.  To heck with his music…


His music? 
Music?     The “truth” of the tabloids seemed to erase the music and the fact that he was a gifted musician who the world “loved” years and months before.  Who could forget how they felt when we watched him crawl into bed with that chick in Billie Jean. He wasn't considered to be a freak then. And how quickly they forgot that it used to be cool to have "Thriller" playing at the dance clubs.  But now that he’s supposedly sleeping in a hypodermic chamber, people seem to have forgotten about how they felt during these moments. 

So I ask again:  The music? 
When people would laugh at him in the supermarkets, I defended him. 

"That is just tabloid crap.  Nobody knows it to be true.  And I still like his music!” I would say. 

“You are so dumb and naive,” I was told.  “Can’t you read? It’s right there in black and white.” 

 And yet, I still liked his music. 

I liked his music because he was a great musician and a great artist.  There was something special about him that defined him differently than other artists.  This is why he was stalked by the paparazzi.  Why didn’t they go after Simon Le Bon or Paul McCartney (circa 1984 - not 1964) like they did with Michael?  Because Michael sold.  Stories of Michael brought in bigger dollars because he had more "fans?" who would buy the story.
To make a long story much shorter, the people who loved him the most, his fans, were the ones who created the misery for him.  They turned their back on the music and started following “the man” they thought he was.  The fans who loved him became the people that hated him.  They needed more tabloid trash like the junkie needs a fix and they lapped it all up.  These fans helped build Michael to the top of the music world.  They created the legend.  They crowned him the “King of Pop”.  And they, the fans, destroyed his life in doing so forcing him into the life as a recluse. 
I can tell you almost every detail of Michael Jackson’s life.  I know all his family’s names, his birthday, religious beliefs and conversions.  I have every one of his albums and know the words to most of the songs.  I know how many awards he’s won and who he took to the American Music Awards.  That by no means indicates that I know the man named Michael Jackson.  I know the artist.  I know the legend. I know the music.  I know the words.
Few people know the man, the human being.  And it is this person who is truly loved.  His loved ones don’t scream at the sight of him or reach their arms out for a touch of his jacket.  His loved ones held him when he cried, laughed at jokes with him and shared their family moments with him.  Those who love MJ, know what he looks like without make up.  They have probably seen him with a cold holding a box of Kleenex and asking for a hot bowl of soup and whining about being sick all day (like a normal man).  These are the people that loved him.
To the Michael I knew, to Michael Jackson, the legend and the artist, to Michael Jackson, the King of Pop, and to Michael Jackson who I have no idea whether you had the elephant man’s bones or not and I don’t care because I enjoy your music, to this Michael Jackson, my last words to you are:  I totally love you with all my heart as you were a part of my life … I love your music, I love how you’ve changed the world of dance and video and I love the way you make me feel watching “Smooth Criminal” or “Ghost”.  Yes, I love your music, your talent and the character you portrayed in my life and I will love that forever because you will never ever die.  You are immortal and will live on until the last record plays.
And to the Michael that I did not know, to Michael the man, the human being, somebody’s son, somebody’s brother, the father, the cousin, the uncle and friend that very few people knew, you will be missed in their hearts forever. 

Thank you for the music. 

God Bless you. 

Rest in Peace.

Good bye.