From the "Best of..." Files
(I wrote this in March last year, 3 months before the start of my transformation. I have not published it until now. It is about tragedy, fear, cowardice and strength. When you get to the end, you will understand why I say that.)
There are myriads of people who can perform on life's stage. Among them are
* those who have nothing to say and say nothing
* those who have something to say but can't say it
* those who have something to say and yell it from the rooftops and
* those who have the ability to yell from the rooftops yet allow themselves to be unheard.
Those who have nothing to say and say nothing:
Let's start with the first group - have nothing to say and say nothing. One would think this group is quiet, stone-faced, and monk-like. They possibly wander thoughtlessly through meadows or into the middle of a busy street. However the folks that I have met from this group are just the opposite. They are often loud, obnoxious, and arrogant. They talk and talk and talk, most often about themselves. They announce their accomplishments with great pride, accomplishments which include chugging 12 Coors light while standing on a table holding a pickle in their left hand. Other topics of conversation include "Reasons I'm right and you're wrong", "Damn, I'm good ... and not a bad physique either," and my all time favorite "Hey!! Watch me!! Watch! I'm about to do something really, really stupid!!" This is a primal group that usually evolves into a high level of communication.
Those who have something to say but can't say it:There is another group which are too uncomfortable to communicate ideas so they manipulate others to spread the message for them. These people are often recognized by their avoidance of the limelight however are heard whispering thought provoking tidbits here and there. They may want something but are afraid to ask for fear of rejection. They may also have an idea they want to spread but are afraid of being ridiculed so they get someone else to take responsibility for it. They are "idea farmers". The will drop the seed of thought into the mind of someone who can bring the idea to life. Watering the seed with frequent reminders and prompted conversations regarding the aforesaid idea, the farmer will add sunshine by means of regular bits of new information about the seed. A simplified example is found around the breakfast table; Let's say the farmer wants to go to the zoo but may be too afraid of rejection to ask. On Monday, the farmer might say "I like zoos." Tuesday, she might water the idea with a topic about the african lion, which by the way, can be found in a zoo. Wednesday, the sunshine radiates and the topic of Calgary hosting a stampede in July comes up, reminding the target-person that there is a zoo in Calgary. Thursday, the target-person comes up with this wonderful idea: Let's take the kids to Calgary for the weekend and see the zoo.

Some people have ideas which, if shared, would make the world a different place... either for the better or worse. Some folks share these thoughts by standing on a stage using big words to justify their over-education on the topic of which they are speaking. Other communicators share their message using the fine arts of the world. These ideas are often expressed in forms of music, drama, sculpture, paint and dance. Philosophers and politicians fit into this group - John Kennedy, Pierre Trudeau, Nostradamus, Plato, Aristotle, Daryl Hannah, and Charlton Heston. Of no less importance, are the spokespeople for various foundations, the Ministers of the local churches, the people in favour of a new stadium, people not in favour of a new stadium, and those which we call "motivational speakers." These folks have something in common - although they may have been chastised and persecuted for their ideas, they were strong enough to continue because they believe in their cause.
Those who have the ability to yell from the rooftops yet allow themselves to be unheard:
The final group is the most tragic of all. They have the power to change things - either for good or for bad. Like Pinky and the Brain, they possibly could take over the world, but by the time the episode ends, nothing has changed. These people have absolutely no problem standing in front of a crowd to speak, but feel they have nothing to say. They are unrecognizable, like chameleons against the walls. They draw pictures but do not show them to others. They write poetry for no-one to read. Some memorize Macbeth soliloquies and perform scenes with passion to the audience in the mirror. They dance like no one is watching because they are alone in their room. And the steering wheel is the recipient of a rock & roll serenade.
When they listen to others they tend to deeply absorb the information. For days after, they may question "why" to almost every statement and sometimes find the answer. Sadly, the answers are never shared. The thoughts provoked are only for the one mind. If only these thoughts could be shared with a friend, a stranger, a group or the world ... maybe.... hmmm... could it make a difference? Maybe like dropping a pebble full of ideas in the ocean, the wave would carry forever - or until another idea wave crashed it down sending the ideas on totally different tangents.
Why you ask, would someone imprison these thoughts, these ideas, these seeds of fruition, either good or bad? One unnamed theorist, not saying that she is typing this right now or not, but this theorist claims that these people feel that their ideas are too bizarre to share with anyone. Being laughed at and ridiculed for some "thinking outside the box" concepts negatively reinforces repeated behavior and strengthens the chains of the once opened mind. Ridicule and humiliation... no more to be said. This theorist often question where Mahatma Ghandi or Martin Luther King Jr or Rosa Parks got their strength and faith because it seems inhuman - a synonym for impossible.
Ironic that I write this because I can relate to this group. This is my forte. I have been a spokesperson before for different groups and organizations. I have spoken on a stage in front of hundreds of people. I have been on television and radio sharing a message, one of which was not my own. With confidence and a false sense of grandeur, I can stare into the eyes of others and tell them what I'm being paid to say - and they sometimes even believe me.
But - and the world is full of big "buts" (not the one you sit on) - But, I am unable to share my own ideas.
No.... allow me to change that... I have been unwilling to share my own ideas due to the acts of some stupid ignorant people who attempted to shut me up.
... until now maybe. I have many blogs that I have written that go unread. Will I have the strength tonight to publish them? If these words get shared, meaning they have been read obviously by you (the reader), it means that I have won. I am no longer "Dancing In the Dark" (yes, a Springsteen reference).
I just pray I have the guts to continue and press "publish".
God Bless Everyone!
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